My Samsung phone connection to Verroo locks keeps dropping out

My Samsung phone connection to Verroo locks keeps dropping out

It is possible to end up with corrupt or bad data in your Samsung's Bluetooth app. This can be from different connections to different devices over time, like portable speakers, cars and the like. 

You may find greatly improved Bluetooth function performance by clearing Bluetooth Cache and Bluetooth data. You will need to repair any Bluetooth devices after this is done. 

1. Go to settings
2. Srcoll down and click on 'Apps' 
3. Up the very top right hand corner, click on the vertical three dots icon, then click on 'Show system apps' 
      if the menu option isn't there, for Android 13 it can be located in the menu, also on the right about a third of the way down opposite 'your apps' 
4. Once you are displaying system apps, scroll down and click on 'Bluetooth' 
5. Then click on 'Storage' 
6. Now click on 'Clear cache' then 'Clear data' 
7. Now restart your phone. 

Here are some useful YouTube videos showing the process

Also check that you are within range of the device, as when you are on the limit of the range, the devices (locks or controllers) can drop in and out when the signal is week. 

If the cache can't be cleared (Android have disabled it on new OS's) - you can try a network reset. Settings > General Management > Network reset. IMPORTANT NOTE: This will reset Wifi and BLE connections so do not do this before ensuring you have all passwords to reconnect.